Critical summary guidelines
- 40% of your final grade
- Each critical summary graded out of 10
- You submit only 4 [only your first 4 count]
- Submit at the start of class
- Submit maximum of one critical summary / class
- Length suggestion: approx. 500-750w (2-3p DS)
- Write your critical summary on any course reading ...-->
- ** yes you CAN choose to write on a reading after it has been discussed in class
- Maximum one critical summary on any given reading
Return of your critical summaries:
- Expect a ‘turnaround’ two weeks after you submit
- Returned at the end of class
- Past critical summaries can be retrieved at the end of class or during office hours
Writing guidelines:
- Select one or more readings
- On the basis of your reading of the article and in-class discussion, prepare your own interpretation of the author's argument using one or two clear propositions
- Explain the propositions as clearly as you can adding only details you think are necessary
- Provide your own position on the argument by stating whether you agree or disagree with the author's standpoint
- Add details and/or examples if you think they help to make your own position more persuasive
- Edit your critical summary for clarity of language
At a minimum, your critical summary should generally include:
- Explanation of the main argument in your own words
- Evaluation of that argument where you take a stand
Grading standards to be aware of:
- Insight
(Do you tackle an interesting issue? Do you develop a thoughtful argument?) - Clarity
(Is your explanation concise? Is your own point of view understandable?) - Charity
(Do you anticipate objections? Consider the opposing side of the debate?)
Consulting instructor / TA about critical summaries:
Free to speak to the instructor or your TA (Octavian) if you have any questions about: writing style, improve your critical summaries, if your explanation or your own point of view is a defensible one, and so on.
Octavian: - Wednesdays @ 10am, Watson Hall rm 113
Mike Kocsis: - Tuesdays @ 2pm, Watson Hall rm 024
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